Module removal by runtime detection


Module removal by runtime detection#

  1. Create file with the code of your Python application running in the web. As example we will take, examples/pandas/

    import pandas as pd  # noqa

    This application can run with Pyodide, and will need to download around 10.5 MB of packages, including numpy and pandas in addition to ~7MB for CPython with stdlib.

  2. Create the package bundle,

    pyodide pack examples/pandas/

    which would produce the following output

    Running pyodide-pack on examples/pandas/
    Note: unless otherwise specified all sizes are given for gzip compressed files to
    be representative of CDN compression.
    Loaded requirements from: examples/pandas/requirements.txt
    Running the input code in Node.js to detect used modules..
    Done input code execution in 3.8 s
    Using stdlib (547 files) with a total size of 2.25 MB.
    Detected 5 dependencies with a total size of 8.92 MB  (uncompressed: 35.46 MB)
    In total 487 files and 0 dynamic libraries were accessed.
    Total initial size (stdlib + dependencies): 11.17 MB
    ┃ No ┃ Package                        ┃ All files ┃ .so libs ┃   Size (MB) ┃ Reduction ┃
    │  0 │ stdlib                         │ 547 → 151 │          │ 2.25 → 0.75 │    66.7 % │
    │  1 │ numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-emsc… │ 430 → 111 │   19 → 0 │ 3.06 → 2.36 │    23.0 % │
    │  2 │ pandas-1.5.3-cp311-cp311-emsc… │ 462 → 292 │   42 → 0 │ 5.17 → 4.64 │    10.3 % │
    │  3 │ python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3… │   25 → 15 │    0 → 0 │ 0.24 → 0.22 │     9.4 % │
    │  4 │ pytz-2023.3-py2.py3-none-any.… │   614 → 5 │    0 → 0 │ 0.43 → 0.02 │    96.1 % │
    │  5 │ six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.w… │     6 → 1 │    0 → 0 │ 0.01 → 0.01 │    18.5 % │
    Wrote with 7.37 MB (17.4% reduction)
    Spawning webserver at (see logs in /tmp/tmpx0ktv9fw/http-server.log)
    Running the input code in Node.js to validate bundle..
            Validating and benchmarking the output bundle..
    ┃ Step                 ┃ Load time (s) ┃ Fraction of load time ┃
    │ loadPyodide          │          1.34 │                36.1 % │
    │ fetch_unpack_archive │          0.27 │                 7.4 % │
    │ load_dynamic_libs    │          0.00 │                 0.1 % │
    │ import_run_app       │          2.10 │                56.5 % │
    │ TOTAL                │          3.72 │                 100 % │
    Total output size (stdlib + packages): 8.12 MB (27.3% reduction)
    Bundle validation successful.
  3. Load your Python web application with,

    let pyodide = await loadPyodide({fullStdLib: false});
    await pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
      from pyodide.http import pyfetch
      response = await pyfetch("<your-server>/")
      await response.unpack_archive(extract_dir='/')
    await pyodide.pyimport('pyodide_pack_loader').setup();


This bundler runs your applications in a Node.js and intercepts,

  • calls in read mode, which includes accessed files in the Emscripten’s MEMFS file system opened from Python, C or Javascript.

  • calls to load a dynamic library

Package wheels are then repacked into a single bundle with the accessed files and dynamic libraries.